Kevin Driscoll, DNP, MSN, CRNA
Kevin Driscoll is a Staff Anesthetist at the NIH (National Institutes of Health)**, Clinical Center, Building 10. This is the world’s largest research-only dedicated hospital where they take on medically complex cases to gain greater insights into future diagnosing, treating, and curing patients. The NIH is the lead institution for first in human clinical trials and sets a standard for new and emerging technologies. Prior to that, he was at the Johns Hopkins Hospital where he helped lead the first Collaborative Unit-Based Safety Program in the Department of Surgery and co-chaired a Johns Hopkins Medicine Clinical Community.
Dr. Driscoll received his DNP from Yale University, where his focus was on the geo-spatial analysis of the positive correlates for veteran suicide in the post-9/11 veteran communities. Kevin is on Faculty at the University of Pennsylvania and Sits on the Surgeons Advisory Committee (SAC) for the National Institutes of Health.
**Kevin Driscoll is providing his insights in a personal capacity and not part of his role as a federal employee.